Euro 08 Campaign against Trafficking in Women

Every year an estimated two and a half million human beings are trafficked worldwide. Amongst them, 80% are women and girls. Most of them do not get any protection and they hardly have rights.
On our homepage you will find factsheets with background information on the issue of trafficking in women.
Information for clients of prostitutes can help recognise
if a sex worker is a victim of trafficking – and show what clients can do in this case.
From March to September 2008 the «Euro 08 campaign against Trafficking in Women» was carried through to raise awareness on trafficking in women in Switzerland and to mobilise its population on this very serious form of Human Rights violation. With a petition handed in in September 2008 72'000 people demanded that victims of human trafficking in Switzerland get a better protection and have a right to protection. During the European soccer championship a spot informed the spectators on trafficking in Switzerland. The «Euro 08 Campaign Against Trafficking in Women» was an initiative launched by more than 25 women’s and men’s organisations, Human Rights organisations, gender equality offices, counselling centres, faith organisations and trade unions.